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BAA November Soiree & Christmas Party

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Emergency November Christmas Soiree Invitation!
Please feel free to come along and bring your friends that are interested in local art to our Christmas Soiree this Thursday the 28th of November at The Printer’s Room. We have Lynne Makings from the Sheilas all-female art collective coming along for a brief talk about the group and Malcolm Sanders from Regional Arts Victoria to tell us all about what RAV has got planned for 2020. Then we kick on with our end of year party with the ever fabulous Garth Horsfield djing a selection of music from the ’70’s, ’80’s and ’90’s! It should be a fun night. As we are a not for profit organisation, it would be very kind of you to pop a gold coin in the tin upon arrival..or several! Member and Non-members are welcome and people interested in becoming members are MOST welcome! Be there or be square!. 7pm – 11pm. All details on the event banner and poster.

Members social evenings

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BAA Member’s Soiree – last Wednesday of the month from 6pm The Lost Ones Basement Bar, 14 Camp St, Ballarat Get your USB sticks loaded with your latest project and come along to the Lost… Members social evenings

BAA Art Sale

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End of Financial Year Contemporary Art Sale!!! 23rd – 24th June 2018 10am – 4pm both days Venue: Trades Hall, Camp Street Ballarat Conditions of Entry All work must be original and by the artist… BAA Art Sale

Ballarat Arts Alive event organisation Ballarat

Monthly Events meeting

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Just a reminder that the monthly events meeting is the last Monday of the month at 6pm. Usually this is the case, however the date has been in flux lately, as has the venue but… Monthly Events meeting

Ballarat Arts Alive Christmas Lost Ones Gallery

Christmas Party!

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BAA Arty Farty Xmas Party! Celebrate another full on years arts events and achievements with fellow art lovers. An eclectic range of old and new tunes with Clay Ravin. 10% discount on drinks for BAA… Christmas Party!

Ballarat Artists group Ballarat Arts Alive

2017 Annual General Meeting

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Ballarat Arts Alive is pleased to announce our next Annual General Meeting on Monday October 16th at the Old Colonists Club, 20 Lydiard St Nth with guest speaker Bryce Ives, Director of the Gippsland Centre… 2017 Annual General Meeting

Free GST talk Tim Gay Crowe Horwath Ballarat Arts Alive Annual General Meeting Art Gallery

2016 Annual General Meeting

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Thank you everyone who came to BAA AGM, to committee members for organising the venue, snacks and entertainment, to Tim Gay who gave a free talk on GST for artists and to Ballarat poet and performer… 2016 Annual General Meeting

Ballarat Arts Alive AGM poster

AGM 2016 Notice

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Dear Members and Non-Members, Please be informed that the Annual General Meeting of Ballarat Arts Alive Inc will take place on September 12th from 5.30pm Ballarat Art Gallery McCain Annexe *5.30 Free GST Workshop for artists by BAA… AGM 2016 Notice